April News - Losses & Gains
Some good news here at Penny’s, and some sad.
Our sad news is that Pickles crossed the Rainbow Bridge in March after battling kidney failure. He was 20.
He passed when he decided to, at home, in his human’s arms. It was exactly the way he wanted to go. It was an incredibly heartbreaking ordeal, as the process is not fast. But everything was on his terms. It was an honor to nurse him in his final hours, and to spend days on end cuddling with him until he took his last breath. Pickles was so much more than just a cat. He was our best friend. He will be missed every single day, forever. Life is just not the same without his constant presence.
Pickles received a burial under a beautiful tree on the property.
Pickles and his constant companion, Joseph.
In better news, we have new chicken residents at Penny’s! Hank, the rooster, came to us from a local shelter, where he had spent almost his entire life. He is now free-ranging the large garden area, and preparing his coop for the hens to lay their eggs!
6 young hens have also joined the mix. They will be old enough to become Hank’s wives in May. They get supervised free ranging each day, and they are growing up so fast!