Help Us Help Them

When you make a donation to Penny’s Hospice, you’re making it possible for us to take in more senior, sick and injured pets. Every dollar donated is used to purchase food, medicine, veterinarian visits, and general supplies like bedding for our residents.

With animal rescue, it takes a village.

Your donation means you are directly helping to save more pets like precious Penny, giving them a chance at a happy life.

Penny’s Hospice is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.

Want To Donate Supplies Instead?

We have an Amazon wish list containing the items we regularly give our residents.

We can always use the following:

  • Canned cat food

  • Canned dog food

  • Pig kibble (mini pig)

  • Blankets

  • Toys

  • Treats (dog, cat, ferret, pig)

  • Dog shampoo

  • Ear cleaning solution

  • Pet medicines

  • Cleaning solutions/supplies

If you want to mail any of these to us, we thank you! Please use our contact form to send a message.