Piglet’s Story


Piglet, aka Muffin Head, aka Tiny Squirrel Warrior, is pure dynamite - because big things come in small packages!

We found Piglet running around in a bad neighborhood, looking completely neglected. She had mats that had turned into dreadlocks and hung to the ground, and was caked in her own filth. She was terrified, and screamed out at night in her sleep. Whatever she endured before we found her that night, we will never know, but we are sure it was heartbreaking. A photo of her from that night is below.

Nowadays, this little dog has a huge lease on life. She is fiercely loyal and protective of her mom, and makes it known to everyone that she’s not only the boss of this household, but the boss of the entire neighborhood.

Her arch nemeses are SQUIRRELS! Her favorite hobby is finding new trees to stare up into and scream obscenities at all the squirrels who live up there. Piglet is awaiting her place in Squirrel Valhalla.


Joseph’s Story


Gregory’s Story